Friday, July 29, 2016

Covered Dishes

I enjoy covered dishware!  Casseroles, cake stands, you name it and I like it covered!  Tupperware had their vintage almond tumblers.  These 'glasses' had their lids and I enjoyed them.  Since, I have enjoyed covered everything in the kitchen and at the dinner table.  Eating Cantonese food in childhood took us to a wonderful restaurant for Cantonese fried rice, wanton and cabbage eggrolls.  Their covered dish for the Chinese rice was yet another eye opener ... Since, I serve everything with covered dishes and the ceramic Temp-tations by Dana on QVC provides such treats.  I ordered two sets of four from her company, one in cranberry -- small casseroles for portion control and the same with the four pumpkin-shaped casseroles and the larger pumpkin casserole as well for fall servings including Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, the blessed harvest celebration!

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